CEO Greetings

What values does Marispol stand for? How can humankind coexist in harmony with all living beings and nature? These questions guide us to reflect and act on our relationship with nature to set our mission on bringing wholesome and healthy food to the world.

This passion is what drives us to seek new ways to tackle unresolved challenges through our business activities. At the same time, we strive to raise our company value further via initiatives around improvement of health management and social responsibilities for all.

Our strong values and clear vision for a safe and sustainable future guide us in our work to contribute to the global effort of providing sustenance for a growing human and companion animal population.

We are Marispol and we look forward to sharing this journey with you.

Max Youn  |  Léa Kim

CEO & Co-founders

“We light up your business”

Our Story

As the world’s population continues to grow, competition for limited resources is becoming increasingly fierce. Meanwhile, the demand for more health-conscious options grow day by day. At Marispol, we recognize the ever-changing demand for sustainable food, especially for the changing generations. 

With a sense of responsibility to create a world where humans and companion animals can coexist through hearty food, we strive to provide breakthrough solutions to innovate the food industry, and create a better future. To achieve this, we have strategically established our headquarters in the heart of Seoul, South Korea, one of the largest food markets in Asia, providing us with tremendous growth potential and geographical advantages to extend our reach around the world.

Our team consists of experts in each field of trade, marketing, and distribution who share a passion for food innovation. We are committed to our principles, strive for innovation, and emphasize collaboration for growth. We set ourselves more demanding standards than others and only offer products that we are confident will satisfy our customers. Our bountiful experience working with various customers around the world is certainly an important asset for making our vision a reality. Together, we can make a difference.



Why we exist

We light the way for humankind and all living beings to coexist in harmony by offering a range of exceptional quality food products and services


Where we are headed

We revolutionize the food industry with wholesome solutions to satisfy ever-changing demands of humans and pets for happiness and wellbeing


How we deliver​

Staying true to Marispol DNA and principles, where pushing through the challenges to always achieve the goals is a daily norm

Establishing lasting partnerships to foster a sense of convoy-accomplishment and advance towards shared goals

Relentlessly seeking to deliver creative solutions to complex problems prioritizing  sustainability and social responsibility

Focusing entirely on the client’s perspective to accurately identify the problems and potential remedies in order to succeed

Our Expertise


Importing and exporting quality food products of all origins

Dealing with a diverse range of products at different stages

Targeting products for both human and pet consumption


Customizing your brand to create exceptional products

Developing tailored quality products at competitive prices

Pioneering a new frontier of food products with innovation


Enabling online & offline sales channels to reach customers

Driving sales growth and locking in customer loyalty

Streamlining logistics for optimal KPI management


Delivering seamless experience with our financial assistance

Ensuring strict compliance without any compromise

Upholding rigorous quality control and safety standards


Marispol is made up of the Latin words “maris” and “pol” which mean “Pole of the Sea,” or a Lighthouse.

Lux Marispol is the symbol of our logo and its three main colors represent harmony, hope and brilliance.

It visualizes our mission to light the way for our customers and signifies the notion of dependability and reliability.

Full Color Logo

White Background Media

White Logo

Color Background Media

Transparent Logo

B&W Print and Overlaying

Harmonious coexistence
of all living beings

Marispol Navy

#003448 | R0 G52 B72

Hope for an abundance
of nature’s bounty

Marispol Blue

#009CC3 | R0 G156 B195​

Brilliance to assure
safe voyage for all

Marispol Yellow

#FFF100 | R255 G241 B0​